Nitrous oxide is commonly used in many different dental and medical practices as a form of light sedation. It can help keep patients relaxed and reduce pain during minor procedures, enhancing overall comfort and safety. In order to administer this type of aesthetic, your practice needs the appropriate nitrous oxide equipment.
What Are Some Benefits Of Using Nitrous Oxide?
Not every procedure requires patients to be fully sedated. With nitrous oxide, patients are still awake and can respond to questions, but they are calm and less anxious. Other benefits include:
- It is a non-invasive method of sedation. Nitrous oxide is a gas that patients inhale, so there is no concern over needles.
- The effects wear off quickly once administration stops, so patients recover within a short time and can resume their normal activities.
- This medical grade gas has analgesic properties, providing pain relief during procedures and keeping patients more comfortable.
- The concentration of nitrous oxide versus oxygen can be easily adjusted to increase or decrease sedation.
- Nitrous oxide can be more cost-effective than other forms of anesthesia or sedation while still delivering effective results.
What Equipment Is Required For Nitrous Gas Administration?
Setting up your procedure room to safely and effectively administer nitrous oxide requires several different pieces of equipment.
- Nitrous Oxide Cylinder: This tank contains medical grade nitrous oxide.
- Oxygen cylinder: This tank contains oxygen gas that will be mixed with nitrous oxide.
- Flowmeter: A machine that measures and regulates the flow of both nitrous oxygen and oxygen gas to maintain appropriate levels of each.
- Regulators: This device is attached to the nitrous oxide and oxygen cylinders to control the gas pressure before it enters the flowmeter.
- Reservoir Bag: The gas mixture is stored in the bag before the patient breathes it in through a mask.
- Scavenging System: This system captures the nitrous oxide that the patient exhales to limit exposure to others.
- Nasal Hood or Face Mask: This goes over the patient’s nose or nose and mouth to administer the nitrous oxide.
- Hoses and tubes: These connect the various equipment to create a smooth and steady gas flow and allow for proper monitoring.
- Pulse Oximeter: This measures the patient’s oxygen saturation and pulse to make sure they are within safe ranges while under sedation.
- Blood Pressure Monitor: The patient’s blood pressure should also be monitored to make sure they are not having any adverse effects from nitrous oxide.
- Alarm Systems: These safety systems alert medical providers to potential equipment malfunctions or changes in the patient’s condition, such as low oxygen levels.
- Equipment Stand or Mount: Nitrous oxide machines can be affixed to a mobile stand or attached to a cabinet or wall.
How Can You Improve Safety When Using Nitrous Oxide?
First and foremost, providers should be properly trained and certified. The facility should also have emergency procedures and equipment in place, just in case. All equipment used should be regularly inspected to verify that it is not damaged and is functioning correctly. When administering nitrous oxide, someone should continuously monitor the machines and the patient to make necessary adjustments.
Incorporating Nitrous Oxide Use in Your Practice or Facility
HampMED can help your practice obtain all the equipment necessary to create a safe and effective nitrous oxide setup and improve patient experiences. Contact us with any questions or for more information on nitrous oxide equipment.