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Vital Signs Machines / Monitors
Stay up-to-date with continuous monitoring of vital signs with devices, trackers, and machines from Mindray, Zoe, Criticare, Mortara, and more. Track pulse, respiration, oxygen saturation, temperature, and non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) continuously. Touchscreen displays are available for improved interaction, and upgraded features allow for arrhythmia analysis as well. Adjust monitoring parameters to fit individual patient needs. In addition, choose from wired or wireless systems to enhance portability and batteries to maintain consistent power.
$4,425.00 $3,295.00 Sale
$4,695.00 $4,295.00 Sale
$6,525.00 $4,695.00 Sale
$1,940.00 $1,695.00 Sale
$6,295.00 $4,895.00 Sale
$6,295.00 $2,500.00 Sale
$11,470.00 $5,000.00 Sale
$4,980.00 $4,295.00 Sale
$4,585.00 $3,495.00 Sale
$1,995.00 $1,645.00 Sale
$1,675.00 $1,047.00 Sale
$1,990.00 $1,362.00 Sale
$2,410.00 $1,782.00 Sale
$2,882.00 $2,254.00 Sale
$3,617.00 $2,989.00 Sale