Motors and Handpieces

Equip your facility and staff with equipment you can trust. Compare options among a variety of high-quality medical and dental brands with a positive reputation in the industry. Get all the essential parts and accessories necessary to install new equipment and keep it functioning properly so you can confidently provide patients with top-notch medical care while making safety a priority. From basic supplies to more advanced options, find what you need.

129 items for Motors and Handpieces
Implantmed Plus unit with wired foot control 1.8m length EM-19 motor
Implantmed Plus unit with wireless foot control and 1.8m length EM-19 motor and Osstell ISQ module
Implantmed Plus unit with wireless foot control and 1.8m length EM-19 motor
Implantmed Plus SI-1015 unit with wireless S-NW foot control and 1.8 length EM-19 Light Contact motor
Implantmed Plus SI-1015 with wireless S-NW foot control and 3.5m length EM-19 Light Contact motor
Implantmed Plus SI-1015 with wireless S-NW foot control and 1.8 length EM-19 Light Contact motor and Osstell ISQ module
Implantmed Plus SI-1015 unit with wired S-N2 foot control and 1.8 length EM-19 Light Contact motor and Ostell ISQ module
Implantmed Classic unit / wired S-N2 foot control / 1.8m length EM 19 + motor handpiece non-LED
Implantmed Classic unit / wired S-N2 foot control / 1.8m length EM 19 + motor handpiece -LED
Aseptico 7000 Series Oral Surgery and Implant Motor (Max 80 Ncm)
WS-56 Contra-Angle 1:1
WS-56 L Contra Angle 1:1
WS-56 LG Contra Angle 1:1
WS-75 Contra-Angle 20:1
WS-75 L Contra-Angle 20:1
WS-75 LG Contra-Angle 20:1
WS-91 L 45 Degree Angle 1:2.7
WS-91 LG  45 Degree Angle 1:2.7