Boyd Surgical Chair/Table 2601

Boyd Surgical Chair/Table 2601



Boyd 2601 Surgical Chair/Table


Processing Time 8-12 Weeks STANDARD FEATURES: Tapered Style Backrest, Two-Piece Seat with Independent Control of Toe Section, Vertical Style Lift Base with 16" of Travel, Snap-In/Snap-Out Upholstery, All-Steel Frame, Independent Powered Seat Tilt for Trendelenburg Positioning, Flat Table Positioning, Quad-Function Foot Control, Low-Voltage DC Motors, Duplex Outlet, Automatic "Return to Home" PLUS Three (3) Programmable Settings, Foot Actuated On/Off Control Post Mounted Lighting, "On-Track" Surgical Accessory Rail System, Dual Articulating Headrest, Emergency Power Lock-Out Switch, Power Interrupt Switch, Foot Protector, Body Restraint Strap, Choice of Upholstery Style & Color